The draft Local Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State and will be examined over the next year by two Planning Inspectors.
For fuller detais of the Examination, download the two files below: BCP Local Plan Examination and Representation at Examination, a useful email exchange with Ian Kemp, who is the Programme Officer for the examination and the point of public contact.
Some useful links:
Info on Plan and various useful links
Representations on draft Local Plan
This page will keep you regularly updated with news of the terms and progress of the Examination
Along with the draft plan, 300+ representations have been submitted.
As expected, WH White's (Bill Riddell) representation complains that the local plan is neither 'sound' nor 'legally compliant', and have submitted 1000+ pages arguing that the Inspectors should include their plans for Canford Garden Village in the final local plan (See image right). The Merley Farm developers (Ken Parke) have also complained that their promoted development has not been included in the plan.
Ken Parke (agent for Merley Farm): Representations 100 and 103
WH White (land north and south of Magna Rd): Representation 292
BCP’s Draft Local Plan went to public consultation in March 2024.
The implications of the draft plan for the Bearwood and Merley ward are largely positive. There are no new allocations for large developments. The two urban extensions allocated under the 2018 Poole Local Plan (land north of Merley, land north of Bearwood) – both of which have already been given planning permission – are rolled forward. The total allocation for the ward will amount to 1545 homes, with the extra (above the existing allocation of the urban extensions) consisting of 120 homes on other allocated sites and 30 homes coming forward as windfall opportunities, mostly through intensification of existing plots.
Cruxton Farm has been reallocated for ‘business, commercial and service use’, with a directive to retain and adapt existing buildings. Land off Magna Road adjacent to Canford Park Arena ‘will be safeguarded for potential cemetery provision’.
To download pdfs of the following files got to Downloads below::
· the briefing paper for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
· the full text of the Draft Local Plan
· the six-page section dealing with Bearwood and Merley.
The next stage of the campaign for Magwatch will be to ready itself for the Public Examination of the Plan by the Planning Inspectorate. Magwatch will try to obtain a voice at the Examination, knowing full well that the disappointed developers who had promoted various sites in the Bearwood and Merley ward will be trying to get their promotions reviewed.
Some considerations:
‘The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.’ (NPPF para 142)
The Green Belt land in the Bearwood and Merley Ward serves at least three of the purposes stated in NPPF para 143:
a) to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
b) to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
c) to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
The allocation of the Land North of Merley brings Merely and Canford Magna closer to the historic market town of Wimborne. If promoted sites 9 10 and 11 (See map above)
were allowed to be developed, the conurbation of Bournemouth and Poole would reach the River Stour at Wimborne.
Graham Farrant, CEO of BCP
When the newly appointed CEO of BCP made a visit to be shown around Canford Magna in July 2019, he remarked on arrival that once he had crossed the Bear Cross roundabout he thought he had left BCP and entered a separate authority. What he was in fact entering was part of the Green Belt land which separates north Poole from Bournemouth, and it was for this reason he thought that he had left the urban sprawl of Bournemouth.
The leader of the BCP Council, Vikki Slade
The current leader of the BCP council has recently stated that the new NPPF (confirmed in December 2023) ‘gives us absolute strength in protecting the Green Belt’ and is confident that any appeal by developers to try and challenge the draft Local Plan and make the case to release land from the Green Belt ‘would go against the NPPF and so the inspector should be able to throw this out’.
Thankfully, none of the Bearwood and Merley promoted sites have been allocated in the Local Plan. I am sure that this will induce howls of protest from the developers who had hoped for easy pickings from the Green Belt land in our ward. Between them, the promoters want to build over 3000 houses, mostly on land adjacent to Magna Road. Mr Riddell, a local landowner who has sold land for the development of Canford Paddock and the 700+ house development at Knighton, had wanted to develop ‘Land West of Knighton’, with a wish list of 2,300 houses. (Yes, really…) And probably still does.
The draft Local Plan response form is very limited and appears of most value to those who are objecting to aspects of the draft. There doesn’t seem to be much scope for offering any endorsements beyond agreeing that, overall, the plan is legally compliant and sound.
However, given that local developers are likely to complain that the draft is unsound because none of their promoted sites have been allocated in the draft plan, local people who are happy with the proposals for Bearwood and Merley should affirm this by completing the form and submitting a representation. If a critical mass of local people support the proposals, a clear signal will be sent to the Inspector when he begins his Examination of the plan.
If you are happy with the local plan proposals for Bearwood and Merley, answer yes to the questions on whether the plan is Legally Compliant, Sound and Complies with the duty to cooperate.
Link to Consultation: HAVE YOUR SAY
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