Increasingly, politicians are understanding the many negative effects of waste incineration. And at the end of last year, the BBC published details of a wide-ranging investigation into the effects and consequences of incineration. To read a summary of the BBC findings, see DOWNLOADS.
If you wish to find out more about the Public Examination of the draft BCP Local Plan, read Ian Kemp’s (Programme Officer) email, which can be found in Downloads below. It has a number of useful links which will explain the process.
A number of local developers are, of course, objecting to the draft plan. WH White, for example (who sold the land for Canford Paddock and currently owns some of the land the proposed Canford incinerator would be built on), will be complaining that BCP have not included his proposal for another 2,300 houses on the other side of the Magna Road.
It is not clear, at this stage, whether MVV will withdraw their application for the Canford Incinerator or push ahead with it at the next BCP planning committee meeting.
In the meantime - in the light of the Portland ruling - Magwatch has submitted another objection to the Canford Incinerator. See DOWNLOADS
The Secretary of State has ruled on the appeal of Portland Fuels' application to build an incinerator at Portland. She has ruled in favour of the planning application. This makes the case for the Canford incinerator much weaker or even invalid. To see SoS judgement, go to DOWNLOADS below.
At the planning committee meeting on 12th September consideration of the application was deferred.
See Bournemouth Echo report in DOWNLOADS below.
The details of the application can be found by following this link:
You will also be able to submit an objection once you have accessed this portal. Alternatively you can email your ward councillors.
The case officer’s report can be found in DOWNLOADS, below.
Ward councillors:
Cllr Richard Burton:
Cllr Marcus Andrews:
Cllr David Brown:
BCP's draft Local Plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State and will now be subject to a Public Examination. See Local Plan,
It seems that CALA Homes are not complying with the conditions laid down for the construction of the SANG footpath along the River Stour. See my letter to case officer Gareth Ball in DOWNLOADs below.
For details of the consultation on the BCP Local Plan, see CONSULTATION.
MVV have submitted what they claim to be an 'amended' application for the incinerator they want to build on Canford Heath. See INCINERATOR.
Cala Homes' work on Oakwood Park (Cruxton Farm) continues. It is their intention to keep neighbouring residents informed of their progress. Their latest newsletter can be found in in DOWNLOADS, below.
The revised National Planning Policy Framework was published in December. This amended framework provides greater protections for the Green Belt. However, BCP will have to follow the transitional arrangements for the Local Plan, which means that the public consultation will be delayed and will now commence on 20th March for 6 weeks.
If you would like to see a copy of the revised NPPF, go to DOWNLOADS below.
BCP's Draft Local Plan has just been published. For more details go to DRAFT LOCAL PLAN
For information about future consultations on the BCP Local Plan and for an updated timetable, go to UPDATE.
Cala Homes will begin work on the Cruxton Farm site (land north of Merley) on Monday 23rd October. It is their intention to keep neighbouring residents informed of their progress and they will be producing local newsletters for this purpose. The first of these will be issued later this week. You can download a copy of the newsletter in DOWNLOADS, below.
Planning application APP/23/00822/F has recently been submitted for a new incineration plant between Magna Road and Canford Heath. Canford Heath is a SSSI and will surely be at risk from this monster. Additionally, the already heavily congested Magna Road will have many more HGVs using it if the application is approved. For further details go to PLANT.
A second consultation meeting with BCP was held on 17th July to discuss progress wih the Local Plan since the new administration came to power in May. For more information go to BCP MEETINGS.
The long-standing complaint against the way former Cllr David Kelsey conducted the Planning Committee meeting deciding APP/19/00955 (Land north of Merley / Cruxton Farm) has been resolved. See COMPLAINT.
The Oaks site on Queen Anne Drive has recently been acquired by Care South, who intend to build a care home there. For further details see The Oaks.
On 13th March, 10 members of Magwatch met with senior BCP officers in a consultation on the Local Plan. It was a very positive and constructive meeting, with some very encouraging news about the local Green Belt promoted sites. Go to BCP MEETINGS.
At the Council meeting of 10th January 2023, Cllr Broadhead, Portfolio Holder for Development, Growth and Regeneration, was asked a question about the scheduled autumn 2022 ‘face-to-face engagement’ concerning the BCP Local Plan. In the light of his answer, together with further clarification from BCP's Interim Planning Policy Manage, we now have a clearer idea of the next stages of the Local Plan, and of Magwatch's involvement in the next stage of it. For full details, see UPDATE.
Out of the blue, local householders have recently been receiving leaflets about a proposed combined waste and power (CWP) plant to be built on the site of Canford Arena, just off Magna Road. For further details GO TO CWP.
The reports on the the first public consultation (which concluded in March) were published in the summer. Go to CONSULTATION.
The first draft of the local plan is expected in autumn 2023. There is expected to be some kind of public consultation this autumn (2022). We will let you know when we have more details of this.
Magwatch is a group of local residents from Canford Magna, Merley, Oakley and Bearwood formed to protect our local green spaces, which are under constant threat from developers.
We are closely monitoring the proposals for the BCP Local Plan (See PROMOTED SITES).
We are opposing the proposed incinerator plant planned for Canford Magna.
We are scrutinising carefully the progress of the Cruxton Farm development, ensuring that the 50 planning conditions applied to the approval of the application (App 19/00955) are fully met.
BBC Investigation into Incineration (pdf)
DownloadProgramme Officer Email (pdf)
DownloadAPP-23-00822-F Magwatch Objection 25.09.24 (pdf)
DownloadSoS Judgement on Portland Incinerator (pdf)
DownloadBournemouth Echo 14.09.24 (pdf)
DownloadAPP-23-00822-F Case Officer Report (pdf)
DownloadLetter to Gareth Ball 26.06.24 (pdf)
DownloadNPPF December 2023 (pdf)
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